We're very excited to announce that the Bude Park Development Project is to start works.
Please see the letter from the contractor regarding the limited access to Bude Park Playing Fields whilst work is undertaken.
Dear Resident,
Geo. Houlton & Sons Ltd, in partnership with Esteem and Hull City Council, has
commenced works to the Bude Park Playing Fields Project.
This project will create a senior pitch and six junior pitches along with a new changing
pavilion and an improved, larger car park.
Works will be undertaken whenever possible, Monday to Friday, between the hours of
7:45am and 5:00pm. If weekend work is required, we will ensure any noise disruption is
kept to a minimum.
Due to these works it is necessary for the car park to be closed for public use from
Thursday 2nd May 2024 until further notice.
We have a full time Site Manager, located at the Houlton site compound, off Bude Road
who is taking care of the project.
Whilst you may be curious to know what is happening in your neighbourhood, we would
please request that a safe distance is maintained from the site during these works for
health and safety reasons.
Andy Sharp, the appointed Contracts Manager on behalf of Geo. Houlton & Sons Ltd
would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please send any
queries or questions via email: info@houlton.co.uk or by contacting our office on
telephone on 01482 320486.
Once complete these pitches will be a fantastic asset for the whole community to enjoy.
In the meantime, thank you for your support and patience.
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