A Week in the Life of KUFC #22


Within the last week or so, here’s what happened within the club’s age groups:

Soccer School:

We held a fantastic Tuesday night soccer school session at Kinloss. All those that attended had a very enjoyable time and the individual trophies were handed out to Tom and Reuben.

Wildcats/Squad Girls:

At Kinloss on Wednesday night, the Wildcats and Squad Girls welcomed 38 girls along to what was a fantastic session. All the girls put in lots of hard work and effort and the trophies were received by Lucy, Isla, Miyiah, Layla, Lottie, Summer and Olivia.


Our Piranhas enjoyed a wonderful training session on Tuesday night. This saw them work on their defending and passing with Henley taking home the trainer of the week award.


During midweek, the Lionesses had a fantastic training session. They focused on their first-touch, passing, moving and finding/running into space. Abbie was named as the trainer of the week.


The Leopards had a great training session on Tuesday night. The trainers of the week awards were given to Archie and Oliver. On Saturday, they participated in the Hessle Sporting tournament. In difficult weather conditions, the boys played some outstanding football and reached the Semi-Final of the Plate. They’re also delighted to announce that Blake is the recipient of the Coaches Player of the Year award.

Our Lions also attended the Hessle Sporting tournament. The boys had an amazing day which saw them emerge victorious as they lifted the trophy.


Our Krystals held their end of season presentation on Saturday night. They had a fantastic night of bowling, and it was great to see all the girls spending time together off the pitch. It was also a well overdue catch up for the parents and coaches.

The following day, the Kings were in tournament action. The whole team put in plenty of hard work and effort with Max and Benjamin both receiving individual accolades as players of the tournament.


On Wednesday night, some of our Hornets played futsal and the others trained at Kinloss. All the boys did very well with their respective endeavours and are continuing to build ahead of the new season. They went on to enjoy their presentation day on Saturday which included some fun karting action.

Meanwhile, the Sharks made themselves back-to-back champions of their futsal league. They’ve all played exceptionally well and have made fantastic progress and development as a team.


On Sunday, our Warriors had their presentation day at the Ping Pong club. All the boys deservedly received a trophy for their excellent endeavour during the season and extra awards were handed out to Leon, Max, Reji, Xander and Freddie. Everyone’s now looking forward to moving up to the U15 age group next season.

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